
A little bit about me

I hit my keyboard all night long and snore through the day.

My .bashrc file has an awful lot of lines in it and stack overflow is the most visited website in my browser.

The easiest way to grab my attention is to mention anything in the array ["Pyspark", "HDFS", "Python", "Django", "Harry Potter",...]

Possibly, you would have figured me out by now.

Checkout my work

Email: [email protected]

What I do

My services

Large Scale Data Engineering

Implementing Python and Scala programs for big data frameworks like Apache Spark and Hadoop

Software Developer

Programming C, C++, Python and Java applications

Web Developer

Full stack web application development


Checkout a few of my works

Hadoop MapReduce

On parallelizing graph theoretical approaches for identifying causal genes and pathways from very large biological networks

In this work, Hadoop's distributed storage system has been used to store the molecular interaction network. Graph parallel processing techniques of Hadoop MapReduce, in conjunction with graph theoretical approaches have been utilized to improve the accuracy of detecting causal genes and execution time on benchmark data.

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Linux System

Custom linux OS developed on Linux kernel 4.15.3

Nirvana OS is developed by building all components of a basic linux operating system manually. This is, naturally, a longer process than installing a pre-compiled Linux distribution. The advantages to this method are a compact, flexible and secure system and a greater understanding of the internal workings of the Linux-based operating systems.

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Apache Spark

Large Scale Entity Linking

A knowledge extraction engine which perform large scale entity linking on a given collection of web pages. This involves recognizing, extracting and linking relevant entities from Web pages to the Freebase Knowledge Base

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Web Application

Portfolio and Blogging Website

"abijith.net" is built using Python-based free and open-source web framework Django. Vanilla JS and jQuery is used to implement front-end. The whole website runs from a Raspberry Pi.

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